Online & in person Group Matwork Classes

Matwork classes take place in Bristol at the Friends Meeting House in Redland and the Centre for Whole Health in Bedminster, or on Zoom, so that you can choose whether you prefer a face to face class, or to practise in the comfort of your own home.

Finding a moment for yourself to move and switch off from daily life is so important in maintaining not just our physical, but also our mental health.

All classes (both online and in person) are limited to a maximum of 12 attendees so that classes are tailored to their participants, and you are guided and corrected throughout the class.

Classes have a warm, friendly and relaxed environment where each individual student is supported in their own needs, regardless of age or fitness level.

You are welcome to join at any point during a term provided there is space available in the class.

Please bring your own mat, block, headrest (or small towel), small Pilates ball and resistance band to the in-person classes.

Please get in touch if you would like to join a class.

The classes offer a supportive atmosphere in which to learn. As a complete beginner I have felt at ease and really enjoyed learning and progressing through the course. Pilates has greatly helped to strengthen my back and I have found it really helps me switch off after a busy day. My sleeping patterns have also improved – a wonderful result! Emily’s teaching style is very clear and easy to follow – especially important for a beginner like me!
— Zoe S

Current Classes


10.00 - 11.00am IN PERSON
General Pilates

A mixed ability class suitable for those with a good understanding of the Pilates fundamentals, with varying levels of difficulty offered during the class.
5 week term
April 15th - May 20th
(No class on May 6th)
£60.00 per term /
£14.00 drop-in (space dependent)
Venue: Centre for Whole Health, Bedminster

6.15 - 7.15pm IN PERSON
General Pilates

A mixed ability class suitable for those with a good understanding of the Pilates fundamentals, with varying levels of difficulty offered during the class.
5 week term
April 15th - May 20th
(No class on May 6th)
£60.00 per term /
£14.00 drop-in (space dependent)
Venue: Redland Quaker Meeting House



6.00 - 7.00pm ONLINE
Improvers/Intermediate Pilates

An improvers level class suitable for those who have a good understanding of the Pilates fundamentals, but are not quite ready to move up to the intermediate class.
6 week term
April 16th - May 21st
£60.00 per term /
£12.00 drop-in

7.15 - 8.15pm ONLINE
Improvers Pilates

Suitable for those with prior Pilates experience but who may be recovering from an injury or illness, or would just like a slower-paced or more gentle class.
6 week term
April 16th - May 21st
£60 per term /
£12.00 drop-in



9.30 - 10.30am IN PERSON
Osteoporosis Safe Class
A mixed ability class suitable for those with a good understanding of the Pilates fundamentals, with varying levels of difficulty offered during the class.
This class is suitable for all but is safe for those with osteoporosis or other back issues.
6 week term
April 17th - May 22nd
£72.00 per term /
£14.00 drop-in (space dependent)
Venue: Redland Quaker Meeting House



9.30 - 10.30am IN PERSON
General Pilates
A mixed ability class suitable for those with a good understanding of the Pilates fundamentals, with varying levels of difficulty offered during the class.
6 week term
April 19th - May 24th
£72.00 per term /
£14.00 drop-in (space dependent)
Venue: Redland Quaker Meeting House


CLASSES on demand

I have a library of classes on Vimeo for you to use as and when you would like, from gentle, restorative classes, to more challenging classes. If you find it hard to commit to a regular class time, these classes are a great way for you to continue your practice at a time that is more convenient to you. Or simply use these videos to supplement your regular classes!

Access is £5.00 a week, payable by term or on a one-off basis if you feel the need for some extra practice one week!